Platform & Features

Checkout & Customers

Laptop mock up of Aero website

Age verification

Age Verification (1account, veretad)

Basket hover preview

Enable customer to hover over and view summary of shopping cart on any page

Bulk order management

Complete orders by using multiple SKUs or by uploading CSV files

Cart recovery

Automatically send customers reminder emails if they leave the basket without buying

Checkout order summary

Show order summary with product images at checkout

Customer account creation

Create customer account on the checkout order confirmation page

Customer account management

Customers can manage accounts through dashboards

Customer billing management

Customers can set default billing and shipping addresses

Customer management

Admin users can manage customer data including setting emails, addresses, passwords and assigning customer groups

Customer order activity

Filter customers by name, email, created date and customer groups

Customer order status

Customers can view order status and history

Customer previous ordered products

Customers can view recently / previously ordered products

Digital products

Access downloadable/digital products

Email invite lists

Create gift lists and email invites - e.g. wedding gift lists

Frequently purchased products

Customers can create lists of frequently purchased products

Guest only checkout

Offer guest checkout flow

Item counts

Update item counts and notify registry owner once purchases are made

Mini cart summary

Use a mini cart displayed on store page to summarise selected products

Multiple customer addresses

Customers can store unlimited addresses

Newsletter subscriptions

Manage newsletter subscriptions

Private and flash sale sites

Customers can access bespoke exclusive shopping experiences with private or flash sale sites

Product reviews

View submitted product reviews

Quick buy

Use quick buy option using saved payment and shipping information

Reward points

Offer reward points for customer actions e.g. purchases, registration, product reviews, etc

Rewards tracking

Track available store credits, gift card totals, and reward points

Save products to multiple wishlists

Customers can save products to multiple wishlists

Save shopping cart

Save shopping cart and return to complete purchases

Set reward points rules

Determine reward points redemption rules e.g. expiration dates

SKU add to cart

Add products to cart using SKUs


Offer subscription based products or services


Customers can create public and private wishlists

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