Phoebe & Hollie Take London: Our META Mission

Everything Digital: Our META Mission

Hey, Phoebe and Hollie here! 👋🏻

BUCKLE UP, because we’re taking YOU on an adventure through our experience at the Test, Learn & Grow Convention at META HQ in London!

The Great Train Adventure (and Slight Detour)

Unfortunately for Phoebe (because this is NOT her most favourite thing to do) our journey began bright and EARLY in Leeds, where we patiently waited for our train to King’s Cross station!

Once we arrived in ✨ London ✨ we headed for the doors, with trusted Google Maps as our guide. 

Let’s just say, Google Maps may have had a moment (it was DEFINITELY Google Maps, not us) because we ended up walking in the wrong direction for a bit! 🤦🏽‍♀️ p.s this is not the only facepalm you will see in this article.

But hey, it’s all part of the fun – right?

On our way to London, plus a slight detour.

Fueling Up For A Day Of Digital Genius

Anyways, after navigating the maze that is ✨ London ✨ – oh, and stopping for some delicious sushi (our fave) at Itsu – we FINALLY arrived at what you could call, the mesmerising META HQ! 

Seriously, we were in AWE!

We were greeted by a buzz of energy and a super friendly team who pointed us in the right direction of FREE (yes, we were excited) snacks and drinks – because let’s be real here, the mind really does need its nourishment.

Travelling to META HQ and stopping off for sushi!

Lights, Camera, Action | The Convention Begins

First, let me start off by saying that the convention room was straight out of a META dream – sleek, futuristic, and ready to inspire.

Like I said earlier, MES 👏🏻 MER 👏🏻 IS 👏🏻 ING!

Like kids in a sweet shop, we soaked up knowledge from industry ✨superstars✨ like: Umer Janjua (Hollie’s new META bestie), Ryan Walker, Sam Doyle (whose talk on the importance of creative totally resonated with Phoebe), Simon Toms, AND a panel of KILLER 👏🏻 META Account Managers.

The Test, Learn & Grow Convention at META HQ!

Connecting With The Digital Tribe

Whew! 😅

After all that learning, it was time to put our networking skills to the test – we spent just over an hour mingling with fellow Digital Marketers, exchanging ideas and building connections.

Who knows 🤷🏼‍♀️ maybe we’ll be collabing on some campaigns in the future because let’s face it – it’s not about what you know, it’s about WHO you know! (Well, it is a bit about what you know 😉)

Wow, I feel like I said ‘know’ A LOT there! << SEE, another facepalm!

Networking at META HQ with other Digital Marketers.

A Fangirl Moment & A Coffee Break

Obviously, the day wouldn’t have been complete without a selfie with the amazing Umer Janjua! So, Umer – if you’re seeing this, thank you!

So, after our quick content photoshoot –

Because come on, documenting is KEY (plus, if you know Phoebe then you KNOW she will not leave until she has enough content!) 

we refuelled with a MUCH-NEEDED coffee at Starbies ☕️ – the brainpower overload is REAL!

Selfie with Umer and a seriously needed Starbies!

The (Almost) Great Train Escape 🤦🏽‍♀️

Here it is, the third and final facepalm of the day.

Okay, so after a long BUT incredible day – we headed back to King’s Cross station for the train home (Trainline at the ready on our phones.) 

Yep, sounds like any normal journey home…

Except it wasn’t! 

Turns out, Trainline decided to play a trick on us, leading us to the WRONG platform (don’t worry, we’ve learned our lesson about double-checking!)

Luckily, after the QUICKEST sprint of our lives – we found ourselves safely (and out of breath) onboard the train back to Leeds.

Our flop of a train journey home from London!

Exhausted BUT Exhilarated

Yeah sure, by the end of the day, we were BEYOND tired – but guess what? We were also OVERFLOWING with new knowledge, inspiration, and a ton of un-matched content for the people we love the most – you guys!

We learned SO much about the latest advancements in Digital Marketing, the newest trends in the industry, and overall, how to become BETTER for YOU.

Plus, we seriously can’t wait to share EVERYTHING with you guys – so, make sure you keep an eye out for more META blog posts and social content coming soon!

p.s Don’t forget to follow us on our socials for a behind the scenes look at our convention adventure 👋🏻

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