META's New AI Features

META’s New AI Features

AI is enabling new forms of connection and expression, thanks to the power of generative technologies! This year, META unveiled a new suite of generative AI features, tailored especially for advertisers and brand owners. These new features have been introduced ready for Q4. 

Advantage+ Campaigns

One of the greatest new features which META introduced this year was Advantage+ Campaigns. These campaigns are an automated tool on Facebook which use machine learning and simplify ad creation by optimising settings for maximum return. 

Here’s what marketers and brand owners need to know about Advantage+ Campaigns:

  • META Advantage+ Catalogue Ads tap into machine learning to showcase ads which are tailored to consumer preferences. This campaign can use one catalogue to drive tailored ads across Facebook, Instagram, and the Audience Network.  
  • You can automatically test up to 150 creative combinations and deliver the highest performing ads.
  • Streamline performance goals to achieve the highest performance from their marketing solutions. 
  • Advantage+ Campaigns offer a blend of efficiency and efficacy. This allows brands and marketers to focus on creativity while Facebook handles the heavy lifting of optimisation.
  • Studies found that advertisers who use Advantage+ Shopping Campaigns are seeing a 32% increase in return on ad spend! So, if you haven’t explored this new feature yet, then start creating your own Advantage+ Campaign today! 

Text Variations 

In addition to Advantage+ Shopping Campaigns, Facebook has introduced a number of AI features which can be used across any campaign type. 

The first new feature is called Text Variations. This allows you to feed in your ad text and watch as the AI creates multiple text spin-offs, with each one tailored to spotlight keywords and phrases you deem essential. 

META will serve different text combos to varied audiences, gauging which resonates the most. By testing a variety of ad texts, advertisers increase their chances of achieving success!

Background Generation

Another new feature META has introduced is called Background Generation. This feature allows advertisers to switch up their creative assets by generating multiple different backgrounds for the product images. 

Although this feature is similar to the consumer-centric ‘backdrop’ tool, the ad toolkit backgrounds complement your initial product images. This gives you the ability to tailor your creative assets for different audiences.

Advantage+ Audience

Furthermore, one of the biggest AI features which META has introduced to help improve the performance of your campaigns is Advantage+ Audience. Advantage+ Audience is a new and simplified audience creation experience which helps increase campaign performance. All while still delivering ads to the people advertisers most want to reach!

This new META Advantage product will provide advertisers with an updated way to reach people and drive conversions. 

Instead of using a specific audience targeting inputs as hard constraints such as: men, 18-35 years who like baseball, advertisers who use Advantage+ audience will add their audience inputs as suggestions to guide who sees an ad. By allowing the ad system to find more people outside of those suggestions to guide who sees an ad and who META thinks they’ll be interested and likely to convert. 

New Advertising Tools

To help advertisers better optimise their budgets for moments in time when they anticipate higher sales, peak traffic periods, or other promotional time periods, META is introducing new advertising tools to help businesses find customers and drive sales as marketers embark on the first AI-powered holiday season. 

They’re announcing Bid Multipliers and Budget Scheduling for ads campaigns! 

Budget Scheduling allows advertisers to choose to increase their daily budget to maximise promotional and sales opportunities. After an advertiser’s promotional period ends, their budget will automatically revert back to their daily budget that they initially set. 

Advertisers can now use Budget Scheduling for both manual campaigns and automated campaigns, for example Advantage+ Shopping Campaigns. With these tools and their existing AI-powered advantage suite, businesses can tap into incremental performance gains to ensure they grow profitably this season!

META’s AI Features

Overall, as META continues to grow and evolve into the new world of AI, there’s many new features which have been introduced ready for Q4 to help you get the most out of this busy season.  

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