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Shopping & Feed Management

Fill out the details below to begin the auditing process

Account Structure

Overall account structure, ad groups, shopping campaigns, search campaigns, display campaigns, budget allocations, smart optimisation.

Keyword Performance

Keyword match types, search query report (SQR) analysis, keyword gap analysis, negative keyword applications

Bid Strategy Analysis

Keyword max CPC bids, device bid adjustments, location bid adjustments, ad scheduling.

Performance Analysis

Conversions, cost per acquisition (CPA), conversion rate, cost per click (CPC), click-through rate (CTR) return on investment (ROI).

Advert Review

Relevancy of the ads, A:B testing, landing pages, ad scheduling, ad text.

Ad Tracking

Conversion tags, revenue tracking, call tracking, CTA tracking.

Growth Opportunities

Quick wins, wasted spend, long term opportunities, trend analysis.

Shopping & Feed management Audit

Your Monthly Ad Budget

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