One of the most effective ways of marketing on social media is by targeting people that have already engaged with your brand at some level. Whether it be through your website or on a social platform of some kind, these users are generally in the marketing to purchase your product or service.

Shoe advert example on Facebook on a mobile phone
Graphic of three blue network circles

Custom Audiences

One of the most important parts of advertising on social media is having the right audiences. This is done by making sure your tracking is set up correctly (Pixel and Conversion API). 

Once you put together the right combination of historic events that you want to target, you’ll find that your ads will start to get much better engagement.

Lookalike Audiences

This is one of the most important audience types on social media. Although this isn’t actually remarketing as such, when you create a lookalike audience based on the types of users you’re remarketing to, it’s a gold mine for attracting the best type of cold audiences possible.

The trick is to not rush into making a lookalike audience too early on. Let your historic conversions build up. The more valuable data you collect before creating your audience, the better your lookalike audience will be.

graphic of blue location tag
graphic of blue megaphone


One of the main issues with advertising on things like Facebook and Instagram, is that if you change your creative on a regular basis, it will throw your ads into whats called the “learning phase”. This essentially means that if you change your creative every week, then you will never leave the learning phase.

So it’s recommended that when you’re remarketing to people using Facebook, Instagram and other social advertising platforms, you should find a good creative that can be used for a long period of time.

Don’t forget that you can use a carousel or a product catalogue to dynamically target specific services/products based on what that audience has already shown an interested in.


With the same as above (changing AdCopy kicks your ads back into the “learning phase”), it’s recommended that you use AdCopy that can be used for longer periods of time. For example, if you have a brand ad that appears to cold audiences at the top of the funnel, using long AdCopy, don’t make it so that the AdCopy is only relevant for a limited time.

When you’ve pushed your audiences down the funnel to the point when they’re more or less ready to convert, it’s best to keep your AdCopy nice and simple.

Graphic of newspaper advert
Active Social Media Users
0 +

2 billion active monthly users

Means Facebook is the best platform to use for social media remarketing.

402% for conversions per impression

B2B retargeting out performs B2C retargeting by an unbelievable amount. Which means that social media is perfect for any business model.

Increase CTR by 30%

LinkedIn Retargeting ads has proven to be one of the most powerful tools when trying to reach users that have previously shown an interest in your brand.


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