Tag: eCommerce

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How LinkedIn Is Changing | Are You A Cringey Oversharer?

Are You A Cringey Oversharer?

How The Platform Is Changing LinkedIn, the professional networking platform, has been known for its conservative approach to content. However, in the last three years,

LinkedIn Business Page Best Practices

LinkedIn Business Page Best Practices

As LinkedIn is a social media platform specifically targeted at motivated professionals, it’s a platform your business can benefit from whatever your industry. 

Is It Time To Upgrade Your Website?

Is It Time To Upgrade Your Website?

Is it time to upgrade your website? Over time, websites can become dated as the landscape shifts, whether through innovation or preference. Whichever it comes down to, the need to adapt is inevitable. Keeping up to date with the industry can be difficult, especially if it isn’t your primary concern or expertise.

The life of an agency through Christmas.

The Life Of An Agency Through Christmas

In the blink of an eye, 2022 is nearing its end and the festive season is well and truly upon us all I presume. This is the time our agency Everything Digital, believe it or not, work harder to continue the work of the Golden Quarter for our eCommerce clients! By analysing, optimising, and setting discussed plans with retailers in place so we too can enjoy the odd Christmas luxury with our team knowing we have everything in place.

Black Friday – The Sequel

Clear growth is how I would like to sum up Black Friday 2022 for OUR online retailers, along with a number of high stress points for our internal paid ads team…plus the enjoyment of course of watching the sales rock in……great work everyone!

How To Scale Your Online Business

Scaling Your Online Business

Let’s get straight to it. STOP TRYING TO CONTROL EVERYTHING. There, I said it. The most common thing that stops businesses from scaling properly is the business owner(s).

Black Friday - The Prequel

Black Friday – The Prequel

With 2022 whizzing by, we are now close to entering November with Black Friday headlining the bill in the Digital Marketing calendar. Agencies and retailers alike will find themselves having serious conversations based on margins and stock levels, whilst identifying opportunities to get one up on the stiff competition they face online through paid channels such as Google ads and Social Media advertising.

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